CBDA vs CBD: What’s The Difference?

Since 2018, Congress has made hemp that contains only 0.3% THC or less legal. Due to legalization, the demand for and supply of CBD has increased. However, there are two types of oil or drugs available on the market, CBDA and CBD. People are confused between these two oils. So, in this article, let’s find out the difference between CBDA and CBD and who wins the battle of benefits, CBDA vs CBD. 

What is CBDA vs CBD?

To know the difference between CBDA and CBD, you need to understand what CBDA and CBD are. So, first, let’s check out what is CBD:

What is CBD?

Cannabidiol, also known as CBD, is the most lush compound in hemp plant extracts. If you are wondering if CBD has some hallucinogenic effects, then the answer is no. Unlike its close relative THC, which can cause psychoactive effects, CBD, on the other hand, is known for many health, skin, and hair benefits. 

CBD is used to treat many diseases, including Parkinson’s disease, multiple sclerosis, schizophrenia, diabetes, anxiety, etc. CBD is extracted from hemp plants, which contain less than 0.3% THC (tetrahydrocannabinol). CBD is an authorized prescription drug, so you don’t get into any trouble for using CBD. 

What Is CBDA?

CBDA is a cannabidiolic raw acid. The “A” in the CBDA stands for the acidic carboxyl group. This acidic carboxyl molecular structure breaks off when exposed to high temperatures. CBDA is also known as a raw extract of the hemp plant. 

CBDA is not for everyone due to its rawness and greater influence than CBD. CBD and CBDA are both non-intoxicating compounds extracted from hemp. Scientists have found that CBDA can benefit resistance to MRSA and can be used to create a vaccine for COVID-19. However, more research and proof are needed in this area. 

CBD Vs CBDA Benefits

CBD and CBDA are two of the 111 compounds present in the hemp plant. If you are thinking CBD vs CBDA benefits are different, then let me tell you that these compounds are the same cannabinoids. However, the only benefit you get from CBDA, which is different from CBD, is its higher bioavailability. Have a look at the benefits of CBDA and CBD. 

Reduce Inflammation by the Cox enzyme presented in CBDAReduce Anxiety and Depression 
Has Anti Cancer Properties Treat Epilepsy Syndromes and  Opioid Addiction
Reduce Anxiety Reduce PTSD and Muscle Pain 
Work As A Mood EnhancerMitigate ALS Symptoms
Contain Neuroprotective PropertiesReduce Diabatic Problems 
Improve Cardiovascular Health Insomnia
Treat SeizuresReduce Inflammation 
COVID-19 Prevention (Need More Research On This Matter)Improve Skin and Hair Health 

How To Use CBD and CBDA?

Now the question is, is there a different process for taking/consuming CBD vs CBDA? CBD and CBDA both come in mostly oil or liquid form. According to doctors, it is healthy to take 5 mg to 15 mg twice daily. If you are a full-grown adult, then you can take 10 mg to 20 mg a day. 

You can notice the benefits of CBD or CBDA in 30 days. Some suggest that if you squeeze it directly with the lower part of your tongue and hold it for 90 seconds to observe the substance, then it will be more beneficial. These days, people use inhalers to inhale CBD directly for better results. There are also CBDA and CBD creams or lotions available on the market. 

CBDA Vs CBD Effects

Now you know there is no crucial difference between CBDA vs CBD. But are there any effects or side effects of using CBDA vs CBD? You already know what the benefits of CBDA vs CBD are, so let’s see if there are any differences in the side effects of CBD and CBDA. 

Here are the CBDA Vs CBD side effects:

Dry Mouth Dry Mouth 
Digestion Problems and Gastrointestinal Issues Fatigue and Drowsiness
Sleepiness and FatigueDiarrhea
Reduce Hunger Change Appetite
NauseaMay Reduce Sperm (Clinically Not Proven)
Overdosage May Damage The Liver. 

Which Is Better For Sleep CBDA Or CBD?

As we learned, both CBDA and CBD are good substances for getting better sleep. Due to their pain and depression/anxiety relieving factors, these are some of the perfect solutions to improve sleep quality. However, CBDA has a higher impact than CBD because of its raw nature. 

Studies found that CBDA is more effective and faster at reducing nausea and improving sleep quality than CBD. So, in the nausea round of CBDA vs CBD, CBDA takes the win. However, to prevent any side effects, doctors advise using CBD to gradually reduce nausea.   

Conclusion: Does CBDA Turn Into CBD?

In the end, you have learned the CBDA vs CBD differences. But have you wondered, ‘Does CBDA directly turn into CBD?’ So, the answer is Yes, the compound CBDA eventually converts into CBD. To make CBDA, you need to collect hemp plants that are still growing. When you heat these raw cannabis, CBDA comes out of them. If you have any other questions regarding CBDA vs CBD, feel free to ask me in the comment section. Also, read these articles below to learn more about CBD…

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